Our Website Design Process

We relate the process of designing an awesome website to building a digital house. We want your new web property to stand the test of time, attract visitors and be something you’re proud to show off. Similarly, this is also an investment, which can realize significant returns and gain incredible value over time.

That being said, we’ve laid out a process which requires your interaction, feedback and approval. We start with a blueprint, then we calculate timelines and building materials. You might see something along the way and decide to change it, you may want to expand, or even build additions. Keep in mind, one wrong decision or change of direction could be time consuming or costly, so stay close to us for the next few weeks, and we will build your property quickly and with expert craftsmanship.

Rounds Of Edits

A round of edits usually includes comments, instructions, images and content placed directly in the designs, in a text document, or in a single email message in task (or instructional) format, usually with bulletpoints. Edits you submit at different times may constitute another round of edits and could incur further charges.

All website projects come with three (3) free rounds of edits, not including your initial website layout comments. Additional rounds are only $100 if needed, and usually take a few days to complete.

We also offer a concierge service to set up all your edits if this work is too time consuming or complex. The cost is $150 per hour for one of our team members to chat with you about setting up all your edits. This does not include writing content, furnishing images or any content.

Still have a question?

STAGE 1: You’ll be sent a proposal and agreement to sign, as well as an invoice to be paid via bank draft (ACH). We begin the project and you’ll get access to our onboarding portal. This step is critical to the success of the project and will require your attention for about 30-45 minutes.

Here are some things you will need to prepare and have ready when you visit our onboarding portal:

STAGE 2: The purpose of the wireframe is to layout the placement of elements of the main pages of the website. Some of the things we will do in Stage 2:

APPROVED: Once you’ve made any edits or comments in the wireframe, simply reply to the Stage 2 email or start a fresh email to our support team so we can proceed to Stage 3.

STAGE 3: We will professionally design all the website pages from scratch, starting with the Home Page, which you will review and make changes to. Then we’ll design the remaining pages. Some of the things we will do in Stage 3:

ROUND 1 EDITS: We are looking for you to review and make edits (if needed) to the colors used in the overall website design, the font style (the way the words and text look), and the overall style. If you don’t like something aesthetic, or the visual appearance, you can ask us to change it to your liking.

Here is more detailed information on Round 1 Edits: LINK TO PAGE W VIDEO

STAGE 4: In this step, you’ll review all pages, and submit your second round (ROUND 2) of edits. This is also the time that you will want to start preparing and gathering all your images, videos, graphics and text for the website. Some of the things we will do in Stage 4:

ROUND 2 EDITS: We are looking for you to review and make edits (if needed) to all the pages we designed for the website. You will link your own images and videos if you’d like, insert your text into the designs or send us an email listing all your edits. Then, we can build the actual website!

APPROVED: Once you’ve made all your edits or comments in the designs, simply reply to the Stage 4 email or start a fresh email to our support team so we can proceed to Stage 5.

STAGE 5: Now the fun part! We work our magic here to build the actual, fully functioning and animated website that you can view in real time and follow along with our progress. Some of the things we will do in Stage 5:

ROUND 3 EDITS: In your final round of free edits, we are looking for you to review and make edits (if needed) to the entire website. You will provide all your remaining content in this edit.

STAGE 6: In addition to you carefully submitting your final round of edits to us for the newly built website, there are a few other things we will do in Stage 6:

APPROVED: After we’ve made all the changes from your rounds of edits, you will do a full review of the website and give it your stamp of approval.

STAGE 7: The final step in the process! After you’ve approved the website, we will schedule a launch date to go live! Some of the things we will do in the Launch Stage: